Presentation day with Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas (CFO, Siemens AG) in the cooperative MA-Seminar “Challenges in Business Management”

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In the MA-seminar “Challenges in Business Management”, the student presentations were held on July 5, 2024 in front of Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas (CFO, Siemens AG) and Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Fischer (Chair of Accounting and Management Control).

In the summer term 2024, the seminar’s focus-title was on “The multiple roles of the finance function in sustainable transformation.” The enrolled MA-students explored various facets of sustainable transformation and deepened their research and understanding in discussions with senior managers from Siemens. This perspective of corporate practice was a valuable and unique addition to the individual academic journey of each student.

The MA-students presented their key findings on various topics, such as the impact of sustainability measures on property valuation in European real estate, the influence of sustainability on financing costs for DAX 40 companies,  the role of finance organizations in promoting sustainable transformation within ecosystems, and the evaluation of resilience in supply chains, among others.

Each student presentation was followed by engaging dialogues with Prof. Thomas and Siemens representatives, who conveyed the company’s perspective and encouraged a deeper exploration of the implications for each topic.

After 13 years of cooperation with lots of insightful discussions and impactful research, Prof. Fischer expressed his heartfelt thanks to Prof. Dr. Thomas, Mr. Toralf Bezold, and the Siemens senior managers for their exceptional support and contributions throughout the years.